July 22, 2016

Seniority Integration is not part of contract negotiations. It is a separate process, required by law to be completed in accordance with the AFA-CWA Constitution and Bylaws. The merged seniority list is only provided to the company for implementation at the point of a ratified Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA). 

In the interest of transparency and in response to a significant number of requests from United Flight Attendants, AFA-CWA has published the Merged Seniority List ("List") compiled by the Seniority Merger Integration Committee ("SMIC"). This information is intended only for use by United Flight Attendants. The List has been compiled in accordance with the procedures set forth in the AFA-CWA Constitution & Bylaws and is consistent with federal law. The List cannot be implemented by United prior to ratification of the JCBA. Dissemination, distribution or copying of this information is not permitted.

The List is a "living document" that will change as Flight Attendants are hired and added to the List or removed as they depart through resignations and retirements. The methodology for compiling the List is final, in accordance with the Constitution and federal law. 

Consistent with current practice, individual seniority List corrections will be addressed. Any questions about the List should be directed to the SMIC by email at UAseniority@afacwa.org.

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